Shawnee Mission West High School

FYI: In response to inquiries, there are NO plans for a SMWest Class of '65 60th Reunion next year. The "Reunion Committee" has retired! If anyone wants to take up the task, please do!
Would you like to join the web site?
Thank you for your interest in joining the web site. Please read the information below. If you have any questions, please click > Contact Us in the left hand menu.
This site has been developed to enhance communication among class members and facilitate classmate gatherings. Explore and enjoy! Start with First Time Users (see above). This site is secure; your information will be safeguarded and will not be shared.
An email address is required to log in to this site. A suggestion is Gmail which is safe and secure. Creating an account is free, quick and easy. https://www.gmail.com Gmail tutorial: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/gmail
Our class also has a Facebook page/group:
Facebook SMWest Class of '65.
Want to Sent a Private Email to a Classmate?
Click > Classmate Profiles at the top of the page.
Search for the desired Classmate and click.
Click> Send a Private Email to That's all there is to it!
You will be notified by email of a response.
In April 2023, the SMW65.com website will begin to include advertising. The look and functionality of the site will remain the same. There will be NO CHANGE to the appearance, navigation, menus or buttons. All content including information, comments, photos, passwords etc. will be the same. Privacy will continue to be a priority; your personal information will not be shared or made public.
The only noticeable difference will be appropriate advertisements placed by Class Creator (the service used to create and maintain the site). This change was done in an effort to conserve class funds.
SMW65.com will continue to be updated..
A donation of $500.00 has been made in the name of SMW Class of 1965 to the SMW Love Fund. The Love Fund is used to purchased $25.00 gift cards which are given by school counselors to students and families who are financially struggling.